Parents, Kids, and #Adulting:
This also made several young adults find it difficult to find jobs. Many ended up staying on their parents’ payroll longer than anticipated, and it seems the trend which was meant to help out the generation for a while, is here to stay.
The Power of Books
Published by Andrew Rogers, Strategic Opportunities Associate I recently returned from a 44-day trip backpacking around Europe with my Fiancé, Maggie, after we graduated from Creighton University. After visiting 19 cities in nine countries and taking 18 trains, seven planes, two boats and o …
Planning for the Millennial Generation
Published by Mark Petersen, Vice President of Affluent Wealth Planning The Millennial generation (“Millennials”) is changing the world. In my world, that means Financial Planning will evolve and Planners will adapt to meet people’s changing needs. One must then ask, “How will financial plan …
What Should a High-Net Worth Investor Expect from Their Advisor?
Published by Mark Lookabill While in the short run most investors focus on market gyrations, over the long-term, high-net worth investors recognize working with a high-net worth financial team can provide the most long-term value.
Balancing College Funding with Retirement Savings
Published by Beth Schanou, Director of Wealth and Estate Planning and the Carson Wealth Investment Committee Our clients have a wide range of goals when it comes to their finances. One goal many parents share is funding at least a portion of their children’s college education expenses.
Commission, Fee Based or the Combo?
Published by Jason Comes | @Jason_Comes Which is the best way to compensate someone who helps you with your investments/finances? Would paying per transaction be best or via a percentage of the assets? Do you think the advisor could be objective if he or she would earn a commission investin …
What My 10 Year Old’s Soccer Team Taught Me about Planning
Published by Paul West | @PaulWestCoach I’ve been a working financial professional for 19 years. I’ve traveled a good amount of that time all across the U.S.; I’ve never freed up my schedule to commit to be a coach for my kid’s activities. This year was different. I agreed to help coach my …
Asset Management for the Next Generation
Published by Andrew Rogers Financial Advisors around the country are talking about the massive transfer of wealth that is going to take place over the next 30 years, with an estimated $30 trillion transferring from Baby Boomers to Generation X to Millennials.
Financial Spring Cleaning – Getting Your House in Order
Published by Teresa Milner The snow has melted away outdoors, neighbors are cleaning up their yards/gardens and you’ve discovered that dust has settled in many areas of your house. While these areas deserve your time and attention to rid them of grime build up, it’s also a good time to chec …
A Victory for Trust, Transparency and Accountability
Published by Omani Carson | @RCHusker Many financial advisors are worried about the new Department of Labor (DOL) rule requiring them to put their clients’ interests above their own financial gain when offering individual retirement advice. One big concern is that compliance will be burdens …