Why I Became a Financial Advisor
Published by Omani Carson People often ask me why I became a financial advisor and fiduciary. My answer usually surprises them. I grew up on a farm in Nebraska—but when I was a teen, my dad impressed on me that there wasn’t much future in running a farm. “You’re going to have to find someth …
Fees or Foes
Published by Scott Kubie Recently, a fee-only financial advisor mentioned to me that more clients are proposing to manage more of their own assets and invest in the “S&P 500.” For most who go down this path, this move will likely end badly. These investors, while seeking to avoid wealth …
How to Avoid the Top 3 Financial Fears in Retirement
You’ve worked hard for your money and during your retirement years, you want to have confidence that you can enjoy it. However, many retirees have common concerns as they move from asset accumulation to asset preservation. “Am I spending too much?” “Have I set aside enough for long-term car …
What is goals-based planning?
The first step to goals-based planning is to sit back, relax and day-dream. Or, break out a bottle of wine and sit with your partner and just talk about what you see your life looking like in the future. Ask yourself, “What is it that I really want?”
Teaching Your Kids About History
Published by Paul West Do you remember when your parents forced you to do something you didn’t want to do? Go to a museum; take a long Sunday drive to see where they grew up; etc. It seemed painful then; however, if you could have the chance, wouldn’t you not blink an eye if asked …
The Roadmap to Student Debt: Saving or Paying your Path to a Successful Future
Once upon a time, I walked into an educational institution wearing cargo shorts and carrying a pen, one hundred dollars and a whole lot of excitement. Four years later, I walked across a stage carrying a diploma, intelligence, confidence and a whole lot of debt. Many people lie in bed each …
How Do I Teach My Teen to Save Money?
Published by Teresa Milner Calling all parents of teenagers – Let’s be proactive and teach our teens to NOT follow the majority of Americans when it comes to saving! We can teach our teenagers to be managers of their money and learn effective money skills. Over 10.4 million people are …
How to Set up a Trust
Published by Beth Schanou, Director of Wealth and Estate Planning A trust can be a necessary tool for an estate plan. But, you may ask, what is a trust? Put very simply, a trust is created with a formal legal document to manage assets for beneficiaries. The trust is created by a person call …
Potential Impact of the Trump Tax Proposals
Published by Mark Petersen and the Carson Group Partners Investment Committee Every new administration in Washington D.C. has an agenda which results from the November election results. Candidates have talking points on the campaign trail. The winner believes that he or she has a ‘mandate’ …
Five Things U.S. Investors Should Remember when Analyzing the Sunday’s French Elections
Published by Scott Kubie, Senior Investment Strategist The French elections starting on April 23 are the biggest market moving political event until the recently called British elections. Below are five things to keep in mind that may prevent you from overreacting to a negative outcome in round one: